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Wandbild: Europäische Zwergohreule (Otus scops) isoliert auf weißem [...]Wandbild: Europäische Zwergohreule (Otus scops) isoliert auf weißem [...]
EUR 32.49
Category : Bilder & Drucke
Seller : adrium-winterwork(1248, 100.0%)
Orig. kolorierter Holzstich - Eulen - Scops-eared Owl. 71685Orig. kolorierter Holzstich - Eulen - Scops-eared Owl. 71685
EUR 19.0
Category : Kunstdrucke
Seller : antiquariat-mm(15292, 99.6%)
Zwergohreule Sperlingseule Pisorhina scops Eule   LITHOGRAPHIE 1899 OrnithologieZwergohreule Sperlingseule Pisorhina scops Eule LITHOGRAPHIE 1899 Ornithologie
EUR 7.95
Category : Kunstdrucke
Seller : ropi1958(3782, 100.0%)
Zwergohreule. Pisorhina scops (L.). Männchen. Sperlingseule. Glaucidium passerinZwergohreule. Pisorhina scops (L.). Männchen. Sperlingseule. Glaucidium passerin
EUR 29.5
Category : Antiquarische Bücher
Seller : tiberius1a(4943, 99.7%)
*China Steel Corporation *Silbermedaille 1 Oz 999*Lanyu Scops Owl*ca.40mm(Schr)*China Steel Corporation *Silbermedaille 1 Oz 999*Lanyu Scops Owl*ca.40mm(Schr)
EUR 49.9
Category : China
Seller : sammlerstube2012(28026, 99.9%)
Riolis Kreuzstichpackung Riolis Kreuzstichpackung "Scops Eule", Zählmuster
EUR 12.09
Category : Kreuzstickerei
Seller :, 99.8%)
Orig. kolorierter Holzstich - Eulen - Scops-eared Owl.Orig. kolorierter Holzstich - Eulen - Scops-eared Owl.
EUR 32.0
Category : Kunstdrucke
Seller : antiquariat-mm(15289, 99.6%)
Ansichtskarte: Neugierige Zwergohreule - Scops owl - Otus scops - EuleAnsichtskarte: Neugierige Zwergohreule - Scops owl - Otus scops - Eule
EUR 1.25
Category : Motivkarten
Seller : balgohills(28634, 100.0%)
AKAH Neopren Schutztasche für Liemke Keiler Lahoux Spotter Nightpearl Scops NEUAKAH Neopren Schutztasche für Liemke Keiler Lahoux Spotter Nightpearl Scops NEU
EUR 35.9
Category : Sonstige
Seller : hunting_equipment(16524, 100.0%)
Wärmebildkamera Night Pearl Scops 35 MaxWärmebildkamera Night Pearl Scops 35 Max
EUR 1500.0
Category : Nachtsichtgeräte
Seller : billiboy61(471, 100.0%)
Zwergohreule  Otus scops  Lithographie  1870 Morris Eule Owl  Ornithologie Zwergohreule Otus scops Lithographie 1870 Morris Eule Owl Ornithologie
EUR 13.9
Category : Kunstdrucke
Seller : ropi1958(3782, 100.0%)
Bisque Aynsley 18cm Scops Owl Bird Figurine - VGCBisque Aynsley 18cm Scops Owl Bird Figurine - VGC
GBP 8.0
Category : Owl
Seller : pdrich1(9272, 99.6%)
Nozeman 1770 Sepp  Zwergohreule Strix Scops Owl Eule Antik Print OrnithologieNozeman 1770 Sepp Zwergohreule Strix Scops Owl Eule Antik Print Ornithologie
EUR 460.0
Category : Kunstdrucke
Seller : bluemoondesigns(3259, 100.0%)
SCOPS OWL - Morris Antique 1860 Victorian Hand Coloured Bird PrintSCOPS OWL - Morris Antique 1860 Victorian Hand Coloured Bird Print
GBP 5.99
Category : Art Prints
Seller : hermioneukulele1(1385, 100.0%)
Tawny Owl, Scops Owl, Little Owl, Tengmalm's Owl 1960s Bird Print #471140Tawny Owl, Scops Owl, Little Owl, Tengmalm's Owl 1960s Bird Print #471140
GBP 3.49
Category : Art Prints
Seller : bird-prints-for-all(779, 100.0%)
SCOPS  LONG EARED OWL Bird Print c.1893 Mounted Antique B&W Wood Engraving (152)SCOPS LONG EARED OWL Bird Print c.1893 Mounted Antique B&W Wood Engraving (152)
GBP 7.99
Category : Art Prints
Seller : hermioneukulele1(1373, 100.0%)
Zwergohreule Sperlingseule Pisorhina scops Chromolithographie um 1900 EulenZwergohreule Sperlingseule Pisorhina scops Chromolithographie um 1900 Eulen
EUR 9.5
Category : Kunstdrucke
Seller : 005bond(19121, 99.6%)
Robert Ridgway | A review of the American species of the genus Scops, SavignyRobert Ridgway | A review of the American species of the genus Scops, Savigny
EUR 11.9
Category : Bücher
Seller : faboplay(17557, 99.6%)
SCOPS OWL, original antique ornithological, bird print, MORRIS, 1895SCOPS OWL, original antique ornithological, bird print, MORRIS, 1895
GBP 13.75
Category : Art Prints
Seller : mapsetcetera1(2233, 100.0%)
Scops-eared Owl. Morris's British Birds. Antique colour print 1870 oldScops-eared Owl. Morris's British Birds. Antique colour print 1870 old
GBP 12.0
Category : Art Prints
Seller : richben1066(24804, 99.9%)