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Fernsehproduktion in einem Theaterstück: Intermedialität   und Intertextualit?Fernsehproduktion in einem Theaterstück: Intermedialität und Intertextualit?
EUR 11.41
Category : Bücher
Seller : buchpark(68081, 98.2%)
Misreading Anita Brookner: Aestheticism, Intertextualit - Paperback / softback NMisreading Anita Brookner: Aestheticism, Intertextualit - Paperback / softback N
GBP 30.39
Category : Books
Seller : buyitnowbooksoz2010(327005, 98.6%)
Poetik und Intertextualit?t der Johannesapokalypse: 346... - Alkier, StefanPoetik und Intertextualit?t der Johannesapokalypse: 346... - Alkier, Stefan
GBP 29.31
Category : Books
Seller : webuybooks(2288236, 99.3%)
Barbara Korte Texts, Contexts and Intertextualit (Gebundene Ausgabe) (US IMPORT)Barbara Korte Texts, Contexts and Intertextualit (Gebundene Ausgabe) (US IMPORT)
EUR 121.23
Category : Bücher
Seller : rarewaves-united(392152, 98.8%)
Michele Marrapod Shakespeare, Italy and Intertextualit (Taschenbuch) (US IMPORT)Michele Marrapod Shakespeare, Italy and Intertextualit (Taschenbuch) (US IMPORT)
EUR 65.3
Category : Bücher
Seller : rarewaves-united(392133, 98.8%)
Blumfeld und die Hamburger Schule: Sekundaritat Intertextualit?t Diskurspop by TBlumfeld und die Hamburger Schule: Sekundaritat Intertextualit?t Diskurspop by T
GBP 99.09
Category : Books
Seller : the_nile_uk_store(36170, 98.8%)
Le phnomne de l'intertextualit dans les pratiques lycennes by Ronaldo Hora PaperLe phnomne de l'intertextualit dans les pratiques lycennes by Ronaldo Hora Paper
GBP 98.28
Category : Adult Learning & University
Seller : the_nile_uk_store(36339, 98.8%)
Reading Virgil and His Texts: Studies in Intertextualit - HardBack NEW Richard FReading Virgil and His Texts: Studies in Intertextualit - HardBack NEW Richard F
GBP 103.58
Category : Books
Seller : buyitnowbooksoz2010(327384, 98.6%)
Goss - Structuration des grands ensembles bibliques et intertextualit - N555zGoss - Structuration des grands ensembles bibliques et intertextualit - N555z
GBP 169.98
Category : Books
Seller : ihaveit_music(77852, 99.1%)
Behm - Intertextualit?t in der Kinder- und Jugendliteratur. Eine Chanc - T555zBehm - Intertextualit?t in der Kinder- und Jugendliteratur. Eine Chanc - T555z
GBP 35.96
Category : Books
Seller : ihaveit_music(77151, 99.1%)
Hoffmann - Kafka und Kristeva  Erprobung des Intertextualit?tsmodells  - T555zHoffmann - Kafka und Kristeva Erprobung des Intertextualit?tsmodells - T555z
GBP 34.82
Category : Books
Seller : ihaveit_music(77020, 99.1%)
Pantoja Correia - L'intertextualit  un outil pour l'enseignement de l - T555zPantoja Correia - L'intertextualit un outil pour l'enseignement de l - T555z
GBP 47.8
Category : Books
Seller : ihaveit_music(77282, 99.1%)
Friesen - Intertextualit?t in Friesen - Intertextualit?t in "Medea und ihre Kinder" von Ljudmila Uli - T555z
GBP 34.82
Category : Books
Seller : ihaveit_music(77072, 99.1%)
Schwerter - Northern Irish Poetry and the Russian Turn  Intertextualit - T555zSchwerter - Northern Irish Poetry and the Russian Turn Intertextualit - T555z
GBP 62.87
Category : Books
Seller : ihaveit_music(77634, 99.1%)
Anonym - Intertextualit?t am Beispiel moderner Interpretationen des M? - T555zAnonym - Intertextualit?t am Beispiel moderner Interpretationen des M? - T555z
GBP 34.82
Category : Books
Seller : ihaveit_music(77157, 99.1%)
Katnawatos - Intertextualit?t in M?rikes Katnawatos - Intertextualit?t in M?rikes "Lucie Gelmeroth". Die Funkti - T555z
GBP 33.68
Category : Books
Seller : ihaveit_music(77140, 99.1%)
Kunstleben - Intertextualit?t in Kunstleben - Intertextualit?t in "Pfisters M?hle" von Wilhelm Raabe. E - T555z
GBP 33.68
Category : Books
Seller : ihaveit_music(77233, 99.1%)
Husson - Intertextualit?t in Umberto Ecos Roman Husson - Intertextualit?t in Umberto Ecos Roman "Der Name der Rose" am - T555z
GBP 33.68
Category : Books
Seller : ihaveit_music(77020, 99.1%)
Sch?rmann - Intertextualit?t und Individualit?t in Fray Luis de Le?ns  - T555zSch?rmann - Intertextualit?t und Individualit?t in Fray Luis de Le?ns - T555z
GBP 33.68
Category : Books
Seller : ihaveit_music(76935, 99.1%)
Neill - Gothic Mash-Ups   Hybridity Appropriation and Intertextualit - T555zNeill - Gothic Mash-Ups Hybridity Appropriation and Intertextualit - T555z
GBP 32.06
Category : Books
Seller : ihaveit_music(77755, 99.1%)